random thoughts and inner words...

This blog is my creation. It is my own words and a lot of words from music that has influenced my feelings and actions. Music has the ability to make you happy or make you cry; sob or be racked with tears. Take time to listen to the world around you and the music that comes from it. Not all music is heard; some is read from the pages of books. It's up to you to hear the notes... Thank you for reading...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

To Protect and Serve...

So here we are. After a grueling several months in the grind of the  Police Academy; passing a battery of tests, both mental and physical. John has become what he promised... A Kenner Police Officer. And I have no doubt he will be a fine one, at that. His dedication and concentration were second to none that I could see during the boot camp training sessions.

But I have one thing to pass on to him that always raises it's head in any man's career. The lucky ones that are void of the experience of wrestling with this demon just don't feel all the challenges that life has to offer.

He stands for good and just. But the element he will be fighting; and that's exactly what I mean, fighting; will always be looking for a way around to the back door. These people will be trying to make you commit the one thing that no man should ever do, although many do. Especially public servants, as it is so easy to be tempted when you're in a job with long hours, low pay and not very much public appreciation. You go from hero to goat in zero. Pull the injured man from the twisted wreckage of a car seconds before it burns and you are the hero. But give that same man a traffic citation for blowing through a school zone at 40 MPH and you are a goat; a son-of-a-bitch who is screwing him over looking to make your "ticket quota".

So here's the whole ball of wax in one sentence. Never, ever compromise your integrity.

It may never approach you and you might never have to make "that" decision. But to compromise your integrity just one time means that the person to whom you open yourself up, has you for the rest of your life. Think about that. The rest of your life. That's a long time, hopefully. And for those readers who are clueless to what I'm saying here, I'm talking about taking any form of compensation for preferential treatment. Cash for looking the other way. Bribes.

Once you take it, they've got you. Then, when you least expect it, they're back at your door, expecting more. And then you're in the trap. You warn them and tell them that this is the "last time". But as you lie in bed at night you're a slave to the wonder of just when they'll be back and what they'll want then.

There's only one answer to that person any and every time they open the door and that is a resounding "NO". No matter how bad it is, no matter who it is. Always say no. Because to compromise your integrity means to compromise your soul. As that is what they will take from you. And to get your soul back, the price will be dear to pay. The career you've worked so hard for? Not worth it.

So I leave you with my congratulations, again. You've done something that not many men or women can do. You've taken on the mantle of protector of the public. You are the greatest, John. Your accomplishment is paramount to anything anyone could ever do. I stand proud of you... Dad

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