random thoughts and inner words...

This blog is my creation. It is my own words and a lot of words from music that has influenced my feelings and actions. Music has the ability to make you happy or make you cry; sob or be racked with tears. Take time to listen to the world around you and the music that comes from it. Not all music is heard; some is read from the pages of books. It's up to you to hear the notes... Thank you for reading...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it something I said (final chapter)?

In the original chapter of this subject, I wrote of Vince. This past Saturday, Vince died. Or should I say, Val. Val Hufft was his real name and he was an old and dear friend. That makes two down in two weeks. Eric, then Val. The creator must have something special in store for me. My Brother, my son and two of my best friends go before me. Wow.

I'll write more later. Now is the time for reflection...
Satellite systems up - 3... 2... 1  Reflection complete. Proceed to data entry...

"Welcome to the real world."
I said "Welcome to the real world."
Are we rushing like the wind?
Naked out and naked in.
"Welcome to the free world."
I said "Welcome to the me world."
Are we rushing like the wind?
Put your loving arems around.
Did you lose your faith in God, no?
Does your conscience always get you down?
Fall to pieces, rough and tumble;
Does your conscience always get you down?
These days it's all in the mind;
It's Elemental.
Don't say you're up when you're down;

Tears for Fears said it so well in the song, Elemental. Does your conscience always get you down? I planned to write about how Val and I celebrated Going through young adulthood and how we handled the onrush of adulthood. Val was a close friend and we celebrated many "firsts". Since I claim fifth amendment immunity in the majority of these situations, I can only say that there are some secrets that went with him when he passed.

Seeing him lie in the hospital bed, a hollow shell of what he used to be. Just Monday night I brought Karen over to meet him. He was alert and I was able to step around the nursing staff and bring him some ice water and a fresh straw. We talked in the language that, frankly, only he could decipher. Save a few sentences that made sense, but made no sense. I never got to say good bye for real. I stood at the door on Saturday, December 26th, and just watched him. His breathing labored as he took each breath as a strained gulp. My only thought was that he was going to die alone in this room. Little did I know that it would be in less than three hours... What a screwed up legacy he made for himself.

I hold it there. To one of my closest and dearest friends, I hope you've found peace. I know, first hand, the misery and the demons you kept tucked back behind the firewall you built out of your life. Your desperation showed. That's right, you could not fool me. Not about that. But it matters not now. You've moved to greener pastures and a better world. Hopefully, we shall meet again, my friend. I love you, Man. Farewell...

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