random thoughts and inner words...

This blog is my creation. It is my own words and a lot of words from music that has influenced my feelings and actions. Music has the ability to make you happy or make you cry; sob or be racked with tears. Take time to listen to the world around you and the music that comes from it. Not all music is heard; some is read from the pages of books. It's up to you to hear the notes... Thank you for reading...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

the time(s) of the season... REDUX

i would be remiss if I failed to point out that the New Orleans Times-Picayune ran a front page story on the rise in deaths attributed to Heroin in the last few months. since Pierce was killed, more deaths have occurred. a total of seven. what a waste of life. young people better open their eyes and see that this shit is nothing to fool with. heroin has always been a drug for bums and imbeciles. killing yourself is not en vogue, dumbasses.

parents better open their eyes wide and look at what their kid is up to. seeing your child in a coffin is not the way to open them, either. i have stepped forward on multiple occasions and said how I feel... said what I felt needed to be said for the sake of these kids! if you keep hiding behind the cop-out of being your childs friend instead of his or her parent and educator you are courting a disaster that could haunt you all of your life.

"Heroin creates a circle of death" link will take you to the article.... then we can all play the "mystery girl" guessing game. Right. I've been accused of many things as a result of coming forward on this feature. I've been accused of making myself look stupid or bad; and making Pierce look like some raving street addict. For the record, I felt like someone had to step forward and say something in defense of him.

and while I'm at it, here the link to a "Sunday Morning with Dennis Woltering" show on WWL-TV Channel 4 in New Orleans that covered Pierce, Maddy Prevost and another young man having problems with heroin.

spend some time browsing MySpace and Facebook. look at the photos on the profiles and read the comments; look at the graphics and take note of how many of these young people are in posession of alcohol or drugs. blatantly smoking what appears to be marijuana and drinking.

teenage alcohol use is not a laughing matter. how many times have you heard or read that? but just keep on reading and watching the newspapers, magazines and television news stories. time after time, a child is killed as a direct result of alcohol use. automobile accidents; alcohol poisoning; they all add up to aggravated ignorance. and the parent who stands there and allows the kids to drink is as guilty as sin when something tragic happens. "let's have a party at which little Miller can invite all his friends. If we have it here at home, then we can allow them to booze it up under our supervision". that makes it all ok. believe that shit and you have your head stuck firmly up an alligator's ass!

once you give them the booze, it begins the cycle of adult life. but this cycle of life has two roads. the road they choose to take is up to them. one road gives them confidence without alcohol and the ability to interact with others and take life's punches with the occasional cocktail; this individual is fortunate, indeed. the other one takes his or her first taste of alcohol and is immediately lifted to an entirely different plane of existence. they can interact socially without feeling awkward or stupid. they solve problems that their mentors could only talk about. they drive with the aplomb of Mario Andretti; that is until the get their first DUI or clip an oak tree on St. Charles Avenue doing sixty plus. but that only slows them down until next time.

Nancy Grace attacks the scum of the world on a nightly basis. child molesters, pornographers, murderers and kidnappers. her verve for the chase is as exciting as her genuine glee at one of the perverts being apprehended. WHY, Ms. Grace have you not done any features on this practice that take so many lives. what will you do when your precious twins get old enough to hoist one with the boys? Will you place them in a parentally monitored party environment where you can watch them drink before they reach twenty-one? will you use your huge expanse of an audience to investigate this problem and expose it as the crime it is? will you ever see these words and do you even care? i can reflect on this... if you have teenage children, pray that they love and respect you enough to delay their adventure into alcohol use. avoid the temptation to please them and be socially accepted by hosting any affair that includes underage drinking. death, from anything, is final should it visit your family and he is indiscrimanate over who he takes. losing a child as a result of alcohol or drugs is a numbing existence that never leaves you. keep yor head in the sand if you just don't care.

if you do care, you had better open your eyes before it breaks your heart...

This post originally appeared in April. It was one of the more controversial and was taken down at anonymous request. It has now been edited and returned to the Blog...

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