"The end does not justify the means. No one’s rights can be secured by the violation of the rights of others."
Ayn Rand
Today made a milestone. Today I took a step towards growth. Today I began writing my book. Since I had a good bit of it in my head, it doesn't seem to be that hard to compile. What takes time is the organization of thoughts and characters. Since I have to do it in a style that changes the names enough to keep that person from getting his or her feelings hurt; or God forbid, sue me for spoiling their little poo pile that they've built up concerning what they did.
Funny thing is that I am telling Pierce's story. Or I should say, telling OUR story. So if you've been in my life since Pierce came on to this earth, you're ripe for the pulp.
The working title is Powder Burns. It fits, me thinks, the situation that went down. And all I can say is, "Look out, Assholes". You know who I'm talking about. You know who you are. I'm going to lay it out the way I think it happened based on lots of juicy gossip that your fat mouthed little friends puked out to keep their own asses out of the ringer. I'm also using facts and information that has been provided to me by sympathetic friends. Some that just want to see you all get fucked...
Anyway, hostilities aside, it has started. And I'm excited to be doing it. THANK YOU to those friends and acquaintences that have encouraged me...
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