Timeslide place to hide nudge reality
Foresight minds wide magic imagery
- Big Audio Dynamite
Misery goes by the name, "H1N1", and she doesn't like to leave once she moves in. Almost two weeks ago, I managed to unknowingly invite the nasty stuff into my insufficient immune system. It was worth a solid week, flat on my ass, a good bit of it filled with fever of 101 degrees or more. Even taking the, what-should-be-illegally-priced, Tamiflu wonder drug, I still suffer with the lingering symptoms. The Tamiflu does NOTHING to alleviate the symptoms of the bug. It does kill the virus and supposedly knocks a few days off the whole deal. That is, as long as you take it before you are two days into the fight. I'll be glad when it finally goes it's way. If you haven't gotten the immunization, get it. No kidding. Toss all the bullshit about "Oh, I never get a flu shot". Do yourself a favor and take the word of someone who wishes he could have gotten it. If not, suffer when you get it so I can laugh at your dumb ass.
This is you if H1N1 gets you. I swear...
January 20 was two years since the spirit of my life was extinguished. Could I ever stop thinking of him? Never in a million years. And with his anniversary falling during the week when I am ready to beg for death as a relief to the damn flu, I was five times the normal miserable personalty that I am under regular circumstances.
He'll always be there for me when I think of him. And I don't need an anniversary or birthday to make it happen. I like to think that I've been reciprocal with all the good things I've done concerning him since he's been gone. I wish others would.
And I can't forget Johnny. How filled with pride I am at his continued accomplishments. Today he informed me that he had been elected Class President of his Kenner Police Department Cadet Class! Ho he has matured and taken on responsibilities. From a frustrated boy who longed for direction to a man standing tall among his peers. I thank God for the blessings he has given my oldest son.
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