random thoughts and inner words...

This blog is my creation. It is my own words and a lot of words from music that has influenced my feelings and actions. Music has the ability to make you happy or make you cry; sob or be racked with tears. Take time to listen to the world around you and the music that comes from it. Not all music is heard; some is read from the pages of books. It's up to you to hear the notes... Thank you for reading...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Half way to Memphis 'fore I realized..."

BANG - BANG - BANG... The novel, "Devil Said Bang", is one of the masterful compositions of Richard Kadrey. He penned a series of books that center around one James Stark; AKA Sandman Slim. Stark tangled with the wrong people and found himself smack dab in the middle of Hell's arena. Battling Hellions and demons, he became more and more versed in the arts of the inferno, stopping short of the bowels of Tartarus. Lo and behold, and to his surprise, Stark was placed back on Earth to extract his vengeance on those who were responsible for sending him down deep. From "Sandman Slim" to "Getaway God", Kadrey's readers are treated to a roller coaster ride through Dante's Inferno as it's never been seen. Characters like the walking, talking, Danny DeVito styled Kasabian; and Stark's "Jade" lady friend, Candy, make the entire series interesting and entertaining.

Not a gray hair in sight...

Why did the Devil Say Bang? (With kudos to FZ) It's quite simple. He was pointing at me and... I said, 'What are you doing, with your finger as such?' He said, "Don't you worry; Well, not that much!" With his long nailed red fingers, formed a perfect "six-gun", aimed it in my direction and dropped his thumb. I said, "Hey Mr. Devil! What do you say? Is this the way you you act? Is this how you play?"The gun on his finger went, "Hey! Hey! Hey!!" "Now what do you think of my finger today? Blow a hole in you is the better way. I've made a mess of your life. Yeah, I got you now. Off I go to the underground, to sharpen my horns and wipe my brow. I'll see you later, that's for sure. Cause the farthest thing from you, Boy, is Ivory pure!"

Wow! That was some of the worst crap I have ever written...

So here it is, almost the end of October, 2014. Two weeks off of the start of my most hated six months of the year... The end of Daylight Savings Time. Extensive periods of useless darkness. I'd venture to say that "normal" time is responsible for more single bouts of depression than the Saints going to the NFC title game, only to face Seattle on their turf. I think It would be a hard choice as which I'd rather; the Saints a winner or six months of undeserved darkness. Needless to say, I count the days until sunshine returns.

So here is another try at getting back on line with the blog. It's been difficult to get back around to writing again. Fortunately, I still hear the muse... Maybe I can put her temptations to good use. See you soon.