random thoughts and inner words...

This blog is my creation. It is my own words and a lot of words from music that has influenced my feelings and actions. Music has the ability to make you happy or make you cry; sob or be racked with tears. Take time to listen to the world around you and the music that comes from it. Not all music is heard; some is read from the pages of books. It's up to you to hear the notes... Thank you for reading...

Monday, September 19, 2011

"I like you, Pyle. Hell, I'd take you home and let you..."

So here I go. 2011 has been one Hell of a year, so far. I've only managed four blog entries. But dodging bullets takes a lot of time, twisting & turning. Class, let's review.

The beginning of the year crisis and ensuing catastrophe that followed. Jesus H. Christ, what a cluster fuck of the highest order!  (AND by the way, Blogger... this new format-layout-editing system sucks bad. Everything takes more time and it leaves you hanging and wondering if you did the right thing. It took me ten minutes to get the left side graphic posted. "What do you want from life?"

So here we are. It's September and I haven't really gotten to throw anything out there for pondering. How about this?

St. Tammany Parish or the State of LA re-combubulated Hwy 21. Widened and new lights and turning lanes. Hold on! There's a pet peeve just waiting to be chastised. Turning lanes. Regular one-lane turners work beautifully. But the engineers got it stuck in their tiny little brains that TWO lanes would work better. Now this would be a valid point and work quite well, IF people drove their vehicles like intelligent drivers with the mind of upper level monkeys and not imbecilic assholes. You see there are three types of drivers on the road.

The normal temperate courteous driver that lets people in and doesn't blow their horn, etc. is the first kind of driver. God made every driver resemble this. Satan switched them around at birth, turning them into one of our second and third classes of drivers. Then, there's imbecile number one (IN1). IN1 has to drive five times faster than the speed limit everywhere. This causes brain damage while sitting at the dual lane stop light. Consequently, the light turns green and it's five drivers drag racing to get in front of the other five drivers sitting there.
Then IN2. IN2 feels that he OWNS his particular lane. So instead of doing as the law provides for, and the signs instruct, this shithead refuses to let anyone merge into "his" lane in front of him. This action, in turn, causes the other lane to back up with cars who are waiting to merge, therefore defeating the purpose of having two frikking lanes.

WHY doesn't the State Police sit on the on ramp, or any other dual turning lane, and shag the crap out of these ass-pickers? They're dangerous, they're discourteous and they downright piss you off. Does the term FAILURE TO YIELD come to mind? Troopers can sit on the neutral ground and grab drivers for expired brake tags, (inspection stickers for the NON-Louisianan), while these idiots make tempers flare and cause accidents. Come on! Can we get some kind of recognition here?