Another year has gone by without Pierce. I was in such a trance about it, Johnny had to call me and tell me that it was THREE years since he left us. I still have trouble grasping the whole thing. I expect him to walk in the door any second now. Johnny keeps me grounded on a daily basis. Even though he has enough to do with work and moving. He is still there. For that I am truly grateful.
News! Facebook banned my crosspost there of yesterday's entry saying that it was abusive and spammy! Do you guys at Social Networking ever pull your heads out of your rears?
And while we're on the subject of a failed marriage in which one or more of the parties involved have held a grudge for the past 16 years. The person I'm referring to knows who they are. Juvenille attenpts to hurt my feelings deep to the center of my heart were successful. Well, get this. I don't care anymore. Your pitiful and vengeful acts have hurt me enough.