It is incredible how life can continue to kick you in the ass. It's also incredible how we can get back up and take the next step in continuing that same life. Like, this morning I was working out on the front deck, trimming the tree, when I was bitten by a huge ass fire ant. Damn! As Artie Lange says, "Wahhhhh!" I hate it when I get writer's block. The ant didn't help the block. Stupid ant.
So, I haven't said anything at all in a couple of weeks. Maybe tomorrow... It always comes to pass that when I get the thoughts in my head to write, I'm not in front of a keyboard. Then when I get in front of a keyboard, it's like mental Imodium.
Actually, whenever I write from my center, it usually offends or pisses someone off. Many of my circle of readers became angry because of things I wrote about Pierce and the circumstances around his death. All I can say is that there is only ONE other person in this world who can posssibly know how I feel. But we've never seen eye-to-eye, anyway, and I'm fairly confident we never will. So why should I let that affect me any more?
But enough with doom and gloom. It's time to discuss that most wonderful time of year... Graduation time.
This year, we have some very noteworthy grads. First, we have Brigitte. Though Hell & high water, my brother, mother and father have managed to threaten, whip, beat and punish into submission and acceptance Brigitte Michelle. She finally figured out that education - good... goofing off - bad. To have a future, she needed to perform well in her studies. Now that she has been born again hard, due to her introduction and further immersion into film, stage and television makeup arts. This as a result of her working with local haunted house productions, (The Scream Factory and the Morturary). She has turned from junior Goth-gal to a young lady who has tremendous potential in the field she has chosen. She's set up at SLU and will do wonderful things! Now, if they can only get her to clean her room... Bravo, Brigitte!
Soon I'll try to finish the high school class with Mary Katherine and jump up to the Majors with Allison at LSU! In any case, congratulations to both of them for an amazing job!